UUUPSApp helps you manage incidents that may occur in your company, community neighbors, sports center, etc. easy and agile. Find out why UUUPSApp is the most innovative market tool in managing the problems of your day.- Total mobility: work in the cloud, so you have available 24 hours a day, 365 days ayear from anywhere in the world.- Optimized user profiles: Because in this life things are not black or white, we establish different profileshigher or lower depending responsibilities interaction of users.- Awesome! It manages any kind of problem incidence, deviation, complaint, claim, etc. under a single software application.- Configurable 100%. You will be surprised adaptability to your company. Define the work centers, departments, managers, types and severity of incidents. Very easy, very fast !!!- Analyzes and improvement: Because it is not only to introduce and resolve deviations but alsoanalyze and learn from mistakes.- Accompanying documentation! Because a picture is worth a thousand words will give the possibility to attach photos or other documents that support the detected incidence objectively and proper correction.